Bicycle touring Germany. Our
mode of travel and beautiful home country made us the lucky recipients
of a German road crew's lunch leftovers. Bec holds the lunch
pot, while Sharon is ready with her spoon. The road construction
crew were fascinated with our journey and country of origin.
Canada's grizzly bear population was a definite favourite topic.
They spoke little English, but had obviously seen plenty of documentaries
on Canadian wildlife. "Canada good! Grizzly!" was their
oft repeated utterance. While Sharon and Bec devoured the delectable
pasta, Kiwi Arran stoically tried to sell the road crew on the
virtues of New Zealand. He showed them his New Zealand photo
book, and with each flip of the page, he said, "New Zealand,
good! Not so big." Upon his conclusion, his stalwart efforts
were rewarded with firm choruses of: "Canada good! Grizzly!" |