Cycle Logic Press Bicycle Touring and Photos


Bike Touring Journals by Neil Anderson and Sharon Anderson

Bicycle touring journals

July 7 Thursday Bicycle touring from Beaumont Alberta - Camrose Alberta

The traffic heading for work starts at 6:30 AM. Susan says the honey lady came to clean the outhouse at 7. I don't hear much until the weed whacker crew shows up around 7:30.

Susan laments she dropped her earplugs on the ground last night before crawling into her tent and couldn't find then until this morning. We shrug at her misfortune and realize why she looks bagged.

We hit the road and bypass Looma. We stop in New Sarepta for lunch and pig out on subs and yogurt cones at the deli.

Our next stop is Miquelon Lake for juice slurpies. The wind is into us as we head for Camrose, where we plan on spending the night with Susan's parents.

We stay at Sue's Mom and Dad's condo in Camrose. For supper they fix us delicious roast beef and pitchers of ice tea. They live right by a lake; a high fountain geyser spurts from the centre.

Sue picks up her fly-fishing rod to go along with her license. She is ready for anything by the look of the many preserved frogs and minnows. The agreement is she catches them, I clean them, and Sharon cooks them.

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